Egyptian Cuisine Direct Nile Cruise Egypt

Culinary Delights: Savoring Egyptian Cuisine

Egyptian Cuisine

Egyptian cuisine is a delightful fusion of flavors and traditions that reflect the country’s rich history and diverse cultural influences. From street food to gourmet dining, there are countless culinary experiences to enjoy.


Often considered the national dish of Egypt, koshari is a hearty and flavorful mix of rice, lentils, pasta, chickpeas, and a spicy tomato sauce, topped with crispy fried onions. It’s a popular street food that offers a satisfying and inexpensive meal.

Ful Medames

A traditional Egyptian breakfast dish, ful medames consists of slow-cooked fava beans that cooks season with olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, and spices. People typically serve it with fresh bread and a variety of accompaniments like chopped vegetables, boiled eggs, and cheese.

Ful Medames


Cooks finely chop molokhia, a green leafy vegetable, and cook it into a thick soup, often flavoring it with garlic and coriander. They usually serve it over rice or with bread and accompany it with meat or chicken.

Molokhia Egyptian traditional meal Direct Nile Cruise Egypt

Stuffed Pigeon

Known locally as “hamam mahshi,” stuffed pigeon is a delicacy that people often serve at special occasions. Cooks stuff the pigeons with a mixture of rice or bulgur wheat, season them with herbs and spices, and then roast them to perfection.

Stuffed Pigeon Egyptian traditional meal Direct Nile Cruise Egypt
Stuffed Pigeon

Baklava and Basbousa

Egyptian desserts are a treat for those with a sweet tooth. Baklava, made with layers of filo pastry filled with nuts and soaked in honey syrup, is a popular choice. Basbousa, a semolina cake soaked in sweet syrup, often flavored with coconut or rosewater, is another favorite.

Baklava and Basbousa

Vegetables like peppers, zucchini, and vine leaves stuffed with a mixture of rice, herbs, and sometimes meat.


A flavorful okra stew cooked with tomatoes, garlic, and spices, often served with rice.


A traditional dish made with layers of rice, bread, and meat, topped with a garlic-vinegar tomato sauce, typically served during celebrations and religious holidays.

Roz bel Laban:

A creamy rice pudding flavored with vanilla and sometimes topped with nuts and cinnamon.

Street Food

Exploring street food is a must in Egypt. Try ta’ameya (Egyptian falafel), made from fava beans instead of chickpeas, and served with fresh vegetables and tahini sauce.

Shawarma, thinly sliced meat grilled on a spit and served in flatbread with various toppings, is another popular option.

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